Showing posts with label programming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label programming. Show all posts

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Solve the Problem of Html Coding 2018

May 17, 2018 0



HTML is basically a language stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. This HTML Language is used to make Web pages, Websites, Web Designing and many other functions to be performed. This language is mostly used in large organizations to design web pages, websites and many other things related to the websites.


                The basic structure of HTML is as under:–



1.      <html></html>:

The above tag is the basic tag which must be used before writing any webpage and after opening the HTML SOFTWARE.
If we will not use this tag then the error will occur when we will execute our coding or writing the webpage.
We should use this tag before writing our webpage and we write all other tags in between <html> and </html> (Opening and Closing Tags).

2.      <head></head>

Header is also a tag which is by default in the HTML Language.

3.      <title></title

This is also a tag which shows the title of the web page on the top of the browser as shown below:

4.      <body></body>

Body is also a tag which is used to write all material and designing we perform with the starting and closing body tag.
We can change the background color, we can change font size, font style, font color and we also can insert links, images, videos, clips, websites and many other functions we can perform within the <body></body> tag.
We can also change the background color, increase the size of image and video, insert the border on the image and video and also increase the length of the video and image and also we can change the size of the border including color in the <body> tag.