Showing posts with label health & beauty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health & beauty. Show all posts

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Health is Wealth

May 17, 2018 0


Now a days, every person wants to become a smart and healthy but after doing much exercise and effort by eating and extra food in daily routine. But after that he cannot make his body smart, healthy, attractive and slim.

But we will tell you that how you can feel change in your body by doing just two exercises daily (Just for 1 month)
            First of them is by lifting dumbles daily, it will help you to make you muscles strong and also make you bones strong as like as steel (Hard like stone). This exercise will also help you to lift heavy weights in your daily routing and at last this exercise will help you to become your body harder and harder and attractive.

            Another main exercise is pushups. It will help you to increase your chest early and easily without eating any type f supplement and other medicines or injections.
            We will suggest you to buy dumbles from market and use them at home as compared to go and use in GYM.

            Now a days, there have become many reasons to sudden increase in your belly and change your body shape. From these reasons we will discuss some reason with you.
            First of them, you observe that after marriage a large number of people become fatter. This can happen when you eat a large number of food and junk food in your daily life before marriage. This sudden increase in your belly will distressed you and after that you meet with your friends and many other people and ask them that “HOW I CAN SLIM, SMART AND ATTRACTIVE AND HOW I CAN DECREASE MY BELLY?”

There are many other reasons that cause to increase your belly within a week or a month.
We noticed that when you sit for a long time in a day. Due to this long time sitting at a current place or different places you belly can increase within 10 to 15 days. This can distress you.
            We try to solve this problem and we will tell you exercises from which your belly become stone and decrease and level with your chest.
STEP – 1:
            You should pull ups and your legs must be in the air.
STEP – 2:
            You must jogging at 5o’clock morning.
            From these exercises you will become active and perform your work easy by doing this exercises.

Diet to maintain your body and health without GYM

May 17, 2018 0
Proteins are the Complex Nitrogenous Substances.
i)                    They store oxygen and nutrients.
ii)                  They transport oxygen and nutrients.
iii)                Proteins makes our life possible.
iv)                Proteins regulate many functions.
v)                  Proteins can help us to fight against diseases.
According to one calculation, proteins play an important role in the human body so that why the calculation said the human body contains tens of thousands of different proteins.

There are many sources presents in the world from which we can get proteins.
We can obtain most proteins from animal sources such as Meat, fish, eggs, milk, cheese and many other sources have been discovered in the world.
We can also obtain proteins from different plants such as pulse, beans and many other sources are present.
i)                    A man who exercise and want to make his body strong then his required proteins in his diet because proteins in our diet make our muscles strong and healthy as like as steel.
ii)                  The most important place or thing where the proteins are used are children for the physical growth as well as mental growth otherwise some part of their body can be damaged.
iii)                All the antibodies se use to prevent from disease and these antibodies help us to fight against disease are the large proteins.
The main and the most important thing that must be present in our diet are the proteins because they help us to make our muscles and body strong and if we will not use proteins in our diet such as (Milk, fish, meat, beans, pulses and many other present in the world present in the markets) then we should leave the exercise because we will become healthy and we will not need exercise.
Some people are those who want to make their body as early as possible by taking drugs and supplements. By taking these supplements they have made their body but not for a long time. This type of making body can tease you in the future.

      So we will recommend you that after exercise if you want to maintain your body for a long time in the future as in the young age then you should use proteins in your diet and you should eat natural things that contains proteins and avoid the things present in the market like junk foods and many others like this.
We already discussed in the sources but again we try to give these come products that contain proteins and which can help you to make your body strong and healthy in the list below: 
1.            Eggs
2.            Meat
3.            Fish
4.            Milk
5.            Fruits (Any Type)
6.            Vegetables
7.            Beans
8.            Pulses

Hair Falling Solution

May 17, 2018 0
Now a day, falling of hair is the biggest problem facing by every person in the whole world.
You have seen many people who don’t have hair at the age of 23 to 24.
And some are those who transplant before marriage.


There are many reasons which can cause the hair falling:
i)                    The shampoo is the bad thing for the protection of your hairs as well as your head.
ii)                  We use Shampoo for the protection of our hairs. We trust these companies which made shampoo but we don’t know about the ingredients used in the manufacturing of the shampoo.
Now a day, there have present a large number of companies who made shampoo and other product in the world.
They just made their products for the ranking of their company and products without the care of the community.
iii)     The heavy chemicals used in the production of the Shampoo because Shampoo can’t be made without adding these chemicals. When you try this shampoo then it damages the bottom of your hair present inside your head. So this purpose your hairs start falling.


We suggest you that you should not use the Shampoo of any company if you want to care your hairs. You must use soap for washing your hairs and after washing your hairs with soap you must use oil for the thickness of your hairs and your hairs will become shiny and brownish without using any color.
Otherwise, if you can’t leave the Shampoo then use it but by mixing of water in the shampoo.


Insert 3 drops of Shampoo and remaining space should full of water in your palm.

Get Fresh & Attractive Face without doing any effort just ....

May 17, 2018 0

Many people especially men faced the problem regarding their face. For Example, they say that our face color has changed into the black from white and other as well. But this time we try to solve your problem and we have got a solution to the problem you are facing.
You are thinking that:
We will suggest you an expensive supplements, medicines, and creams.
There is no need of these ingredients but you should buy soap from the market.
Now you are thinking which soap we should buy?
Don’t Worry,
We suggest you some names of soaps manufactured by different companies.
(i)     Here are some soaps but Harmony is the best soap which is available in different flavors such as Grapes, Lemon, Orange, Strawberry, Peach, and Mango but we suggest you that you must try Lemon and Orange Flavor.
(ii)   The other one is AMORISH available in the market. 
Wash your face twice or thrice in 1 or 2 minutes and after washing, use a towel to dry and at last use tissue paper to remove the whitening from your face.

Try this for a month but within a week you will feel the special change in your life.
You must wash your face twice in a day especially in the morning and in the evening after the sunset but if you want to get a much better result than wash your face in the morning and before sleeping.

In the whole process, you should avoid from supplements, medicines, and creams that can help you in the cleaning of your face .because every person has different skins.

Solution of Ankel Sprain

May 17, 2018 0

Ankle sprains are most common injuries. You sprained your ankle when playing as a child or stepping on an unbalance surface. 25,000 people do this each day.
Sometimes, it is an awkward moment when you lose your balance and weight, but the pain quickly fades away and you walk on your way, but the sprain could be more severe; your ankle will swell and it might hurt too much to stand on it. If it's a severe sprain, you will have felt a "pop" when the injury happened
If a sprain does not treat properly, you could face long-term problems. The ankle is rolled if it is an inward sprain or outward sprain. Inversion sprains caused much pain along the outer side of the ankle is the very common type. Pain along the inner side of the ankle is a more serious injury and should always be evaluated by a doctor.
You like to sprain your ankle when your toes on the ground and heel up (plantar flexion). This position puts your ankle's ligaments under tension. A sudden force like landing on an unbalance surface may turn your ankle inward. When this happens, one to three of your ligaments could be hurt. A sprain can be difficult to know that a bone is fractured or not without X-Ray.
You should consult a doctor and tell your doctor what you did when you sprained your ankle. The Doctor will examine it and may want an x-ray to make sure about bones.
Treating your Sprained Ankle
Treating your sprained ankle properly can prevent you from chronic pain.
For a Grade I sprain, follow the R.I.C.E. guidelines:
  • Rest your ankle and no walk. Limited weight bearing. If there is no fracture you can put some weight on the leg.
  • Ice keep down the swelling. Don't put it directly (use a thin piece of cloth like pillowcase between the ice bag and the skin) and don't use more than 20 minutes
  • Compression can control swelling and support your injury.
  • Elevate the foot by reclining it up above the waist or heart.  


Every injury needs rehabilitation. Otherwise, your sprained ankle will not heal completely and you could re-injure it. All ankle sprains require three phases of recovery:
  It includes resting, protecting of your injured ankle
  It includes restoring your ankle's flexibility, the range of motion.
 It includes doing maintenance exercises, followed later by more    cutting sports like tennis, basketball and football etc. 

Once you could stand on your ankle again, your doctor will prescribe exercise routines to increase your flexibility, balance, and coordination. Later, you could walk, jog and run with your ankle.
It's important to complete the rehabilitation program because it makes it prevent you from the same injury again. If you don't complete rehabilitation, you could suffer chronic pain. If your ankle still hurts, it could mean that some other injury also happened or not you saved your injury.
To prevent future sprained ankles, attended your body by warning signs to slow down when you feel pain, and stay in shape with good balance and strength in your soft tissues

Cold Water VS Hot Water

May 17, 2018 0



One of them is damaging to your health. the general public come back to own a cup of occasional or a chilly cup of water simply upon rousing. But, it seems that so as to urge the best edges from drinking liquid within the morning you must fancy the cup of predicament instead. Multiple studies have shown that drinking predicament on Associate in Nursing empty abdomen offers lots of health edges and is one amongst the simplest ways that to start out your day to urge most productivity. Here may be a transient list of a number of those health benefits:


Relieves pain:

    Drinking predicament has the flexibility to cut back swelling within the throat, that successively provides temporary relief of pain. In fact, it will wonders for irritated and dry throats, too. this can be particularly helpful within the mornings after you come to life with a dry throat that causes pain once swallowing. astonishingly, an obvious improvement will be skilled when taking the primary sip of predicament. Ultimately, predicament additionally relieves cramps by quiet the muscles of the abdomen.

Improves Bowel Movements

    A study by the journal of neurogastroenterology and Motility has shown that up to fifty eight p.c of patients affected by achalasia, a condition within which the muscles of the lower passageway don't relax skilled an obvious improvement in their condition when of drinking predicament. Drinking a glass of heat water on Associate in Nursing empty abdomen may be a great way or stimulates the colon to maneuver the intestines easier. additionally, it sets the body for higher absorption of food throughout the day.
    different edges are:
1.    Improves Circulation:
2.    Weight Loss

Benefits of Honey Cleansing for any skin

May 17, 2018 0



    Raw honey provides a gentle to your facial cleanser.
Any raw honey works excellently, It is recommended for acne-prone skin.
It is so gentle nurturing to the skin, it is ideal for very sensitive skin,.
It works very well on all type of skins. It works to balance the oily skin and moisturize dry skin.
Raw honey also contains natural enzymes.
Honey gently removes dirt without stripping the skin of natural oils.
Unlike foaming cleansers, honey does not strip the skin of its protective sebum, which causes dryness. Additionally, foaming cleansers are usually too alkaline for the skin and imbalance skins naturally acidic pH.
The natural antibacterial properties of raw honey effectively reduce breakouts.
As far it is an excellent facial cleansers, it is much cheaper than store bought options and other things.
Also eating the honey works like a cleaner inside our body.
By eating honey our skin could change within a small time we can’t think about this.
So, We suggest you to use honey for your skin and also eating to get better results.