Now a days, every person wants to become a smart and healthy but after doing much exercise and effort by eating and extra food in daily routine. But after that he cannot make his body smart, healthy, attractive and slim.
But we will tell you that how you can feel change in your body by doing just two exercises daily (Just for 1 month)
First of them is by lifting dumbles daily, it will help you to make you muscles strong and also make you bones strong as like as steel (Hard like stone). This exercise will also help you to lift heavy weights in your daily routing and at last this exercise will help you to become your body harder and harder and attractive.
Another main exercise is pushups. It will help you to increase your chest early and easily without eating any type f supplement and other medicines or injections.
We will suggest you to buy dumbles from market and use them at home as compared to go and use in GYM.
Now a days, there have become many reasons to sudden increase in your belly and change your body shape. From these reasons we will discuss some reason with you.
First of them, you observe that after marriage a large number of people become fatter. This can happen when you eat a large number of food and junk food in your daily life before marriage. This sudden increase in your belly will distressed you and after that you meet with your friends and many other people and ask them that “HOW I CAN SLIM, SMART AND ATTRACTIVE AND HOW I CAN DECREASE MY BELLY?”
There are many other reasons that cause to increase your belly within a week or a month.
We noticed that when you sit for a long time in a day. Due to this long time sitting at a current place or different places you belly can increase within 10 to 15 days. This can distress you.
We try to solve this problem and we will tell you exercises from which your belly become stone and decrease and level with your chest.
STEP – 1:
You should pull ups and your legs must be in the air.
STEP – 2:
You must jogging at 5o’clock morning.
From these exercises you will become active and perform your work easy by doing this exercises.